EVs Ireland: I road tested an electric car for a week – this is what I found:

Going electric is a great way to support our planet.

Petrol cars globally account for eight per cent of direct CO2 emissions, with global transportation responsible for around 7.3billion metric tons of emissions yearly.

So far in 2023, more than 11,000 electric vehicles have been registered – up 50 per cent on the same time last year.

And forecourt giant Circle K has just announced it is investing €7m on a new range of own-brand EV chargers across its network over the next two years.

I picked up a stunning blue Peugeot e2008 compact SUV at Gowan Auto in Dublin. It boasts all the usual high end tech and promises an impressive range of 345km.

Niche for years, demand for EVs is now rising significantly. Figures from the Society of the Irish Motor Industry reveal 15,462 new electric cars were licensed compared to 8,554 in 2021 and just 623 in 2017.

Marketing manager at Gowan Auto, Ciaran Cusack, gave me an ESB card and a tour of the car, notably the charging devices.

“You can use the card to charge at ESB charging stations. You can find these via an app. The quick chargers will only take around 30 minutes to charge,” he explained.

But the cost of charging varies. “If you use quick charge it is similar to petrol, but if you have a charger installed at home, it can cost as little as €7 to charge,” Ciaran added.

“As demand increases, charging will become cheaper, as competing companies will enter the home charger market. Photovoltaic panels will also be part of the future of charging.”

Once we had the logistics out of the way, I headed into morning traffic, enjoying the smooth automatic drive.

I’ve driven an EV once before, in the Swiss Alps, and left my light on when parked so was worried I’d lost precious kilometres.

I plugged in the charger at the nearest hotel, but didn’t realise it didn’t connect. It cost me several hours and I didn’t know if my car would get me across some of the Alps’ famous hairpin bends.

‘Range anxiety’ – the fear of running out of battery and being stuck – is one of the biggest issues for would-be drivers.

“But once you experience charging the car, and get into a routine, it removes your fears,” Ciaran explained.

“I’ve driven it down to zero, just to see what happens,” Derek Reilly, founder of the YouTube channel EV Review, informed me. “I don’t advise it, but it still keeps going for a while and there are plenty of bells and whistles to remind you to recharge. I regularly drive to Ballina, Mayo – coast to coast and don’t have to charge.”

Derek said most people stop for coffee at some point if they drive longer distances, so if they plan ahead, they can fast charge along the way, as well as the home charge.

But like many urban dwellers, I rent and don’t have access to a home charger. I’m not the only one and it puts renters off EVs.

But Shane Prendergast, programme manager of Electric Vehicles at the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, said things are changing.

He added: “SEAI have recently introduced funding support for apartment blocks and multi-unit dwellings to alleviate this barrier.

“If you don’t have a home charger, get in touch with your local authority to find out about community charging options and if their street lamps or car parks will be used.”

For the week I had the car, I drove around north and south Dublin, feeling guilt free when I travelled to DCU to pick up my MsC for Climate Change science.

I charged the car during a shopping trip to Rathmines Tesco, which has two stations in its car park. I paid €2 for parking, but you get the money off your shopping bill. Obviously on-street parking, especially in Dublin, adds huge expense and this option isn’t the norm.

When driving the EV, I found people were really interested. They wanted to have a look inside and see what it was all about.

My nine-year-old daughter Romi loved the EV and wanted to swap our Corolla for it.

By 2030, the Climate Action Plan wants 30 per cent of new registrations being electric.

Peugot 2008 EV charging

Popular myths about EVs

They don’t work for rural dwellers: In most cases rural dwellers have more space, so they can install a charger, for which you can receive a grant of €600. Eighty per cent of charging is done at home.

Range anxiety: Still one of the main barriers to uptake, says Shane Prendergast. But there’s no need to fear it. “The EVs on the market now are capable of achieving range highs of greater than 500km to a single charge and on average 350km.”

According to CSO data, the average distance travelled in a day is under 30km. A good rule is: ‘You don’t stop to charge, you charge when you’re stopped.’

It’s too expensive: Because there is no big second-hand market on EVs, they are pricey. But it will get cheaper as production goes mainstream.

No charging infrastructure: OK, so most people who rent will have to charge their car elsewhere. But there are ways around it. The Government is planning to expand charging infrastructure with a €100m investment. Residential neighbourhood and destination charging at sports clubs and unused car parks will follow.

Batteries end up in landfill: Not true, says Derek Reilly. “EV batteries are expensive. So old batteries get reused. They either get installed into older vehicles, used to generate electricity in buildings or recycled. Electric vehicle manufacturers are making big investments to give car batteries a new lease of life.”

How will the Government help? Because motor tax is calculated on the emissions of the vehicle, EVs are at the lowest tax band costing just €120 per year. The grant for new cars will be reduced from €5,000 to €3,000, but a grant up to €600 is available for home installation. The cost for home chargers is around €1200.

The Peugeot e2008 costs €36,750. It is available from €314 per month with a five-year warranty.

Dos and don'ts

Do take an EV for a test drive. You may not have it now, but test it out and see how you feel.

Also learn how to charge it and make sure it’s actually charging.

Don’t wait for bio fuel or hydrogen.

Derek Reilly said: “They are very niche and early stage.

We have the resources for electric cars now, and in Ireland, although still behind Europe, the infrastructure in Ireland is good and getting better.”

Don’t panic. Plan and don’t panic. The range is ever increasing and you can charge at home.

“I don’t think I have ever heard of someone having a petrol station in their home but you can charge your EV from the comfort of your house.”

Rethink your maths: Cost is always a big conversation point.

It’s important to incorporate the running costs savings into decisions.

For more info, see seai.ie, drivingelectric.ie, peugeot.ie, gowan motors.ie.

Barbara McCarthy

I am a journalist, photographer and climate academy based in Dublin. This site is a platform for my work.


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